Friday, November 13, 2009

My philosophy on Talent

I was thinking about my incredibly talented friend Tamara today, and started thinking that it’s just not fair for one person to have so many natural abilities, while the rest of us are left floating in the breeze with no discernable talents whatsoever. But then I decided that everyone must have SOME talent in some area. I mean, theoretically I could be extremely gifted at playing the bagpipes, but I’ve never tried it, so it’s just lain there undiscovered my whole life. That’s the tricky part about talent: people don’t come with any instructions as to what we’re best used for, so we just have to get out there and try to figure it all out ourselves. The ones with the obvious talents (such as vocal and musical abilities) have a much better chance of figuring it out than those of us with bagpipe talents. So I guess that my solution, conveniently enough for me, is to go out and try as many things as possible until I find my talent. Nothing personal against bagpipe players, but I really hope that that isn’t my true calling.


  1. Got the point. You are right. But what about people that don't have the chance to go around looking for their talent? It's a matter of point of view, don't you think?
    (Ps: thousands of mistakes in few lines...sorry...)

  2. Veramente, il tuo inglese era perfetto. E il mio italiano che è terribile! Penso che tutte le persone che non possono cercare per il loro talento diventano intermediari (middlemen?) o insegnanti, come me ;) Ma hai ragione: milioni di persone non hanno la possibilità di guardare- sono molta fortunata.

  3. Uhm, i think that in these days, teachers must be brave to do their work. Specially in middle and high school. I don't know if bravery may be considered "talent", but surely it helps a lot in many other things.
    You aren't the only lucky, i am too, but it seems that many of us often forget how much lucky they are.
    (argh, it's from long ago that i didn't write anything in english. sorry again)
